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Long ago, when darkness shrouded the world and souls wandered aimlessly, the legend of the lost souls was born. Beyond the boundaries of time and space, in the darkest corners of existence, these souls desperately sought their path, trapped between dimensions of reality and nothingness. They were beings in search of identity, seeking to reclaim what had been stolen from them.

Some of these lost souls were imbued with profound sadness, their emotions frozen in eternal sorrow. Others were haunted by anger, their minds tormented by injustices suffered in life. Still, others were enveloped in confusion, unable to find their true destination.

Wandering through forgotten ruins, silent graveyards, or desolate landscapes, the lost souls attempted to remember who they were and where they came from. Their unheard whispers mingled with the wind, their plaintive cries resonated through the dark corridors of abandoned places.


Legends told that only those endowed with great compassion and profound understanding could guide the lost souls toward peace and release. These wayward souls needed a guide to help them navigate the shadows of their past, to find redemption or discover the path to eternal rest.

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